Firecracker injuries to the eye and face:
Beware and Take Care
The festival of lights, Diwali or Deepavali is a time to celebrate the triumph of good over evil. It is celebrated in India and by the Indian diaspora who live in other countries.
As part of the celebration, it is common to engage in play…
Beware and Take Care
Vision screening in children
Vision screening by the primary care provider, usually a pediatrician or a school nurse is a standard practice in many parts of the world. Why is this important? This article covers the importance of vision screening in children and do read…
Squint (strabismus) is not a sign of good luck
In some parts of India, and in some communities, it is believed that an eye that is deviated brings you good luck. Hence children with strabismus or squint eye are not brought for an eye examination. Sometimes they present to the eye doctor…
Three Common Eye Conditions That Affect Children
Children are not just little adults. Their visual system which is immature responds differently to conditions that affect it. It also has more plasticity and can respond to certain treatments much better than a mature visual system.
Does eating carrots help get rid of spectacles?
We have all heard throughout our childhood and later that eating carrots and greens will help get rid of spectacles. In this segment let us look into this a little deeper.
The connection between carrots and eyes is not a myth. There is indeed…
Children and screen time: Part 1
How much screen time?
Safety of use of gadgets amongst children is a matter of debate and discussion especially in the recent years. During the recent pandemic, classes in schools shifted to the online mode of education. Children stayed indoors…
Children and screen time: Part 2
How much screen time?
The first question that comes to mind is this-How much screen time is ok? To answer this we turn to the recommendation from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). This is a professional body of pediatricians that look…